What difference could a SMSF* make to your retirement?

Would you like 50%** more at retirement?

Is your Super as Safe as Houses?
Who is profiting from your Super? You or someone else?
Would you like more control over your Super?
Is Residential Property the best investment for your Super?

A Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) has all the same safety, legal, and tax requirements as a retail or industry super fund without the conflicting interests.

We can show you how take back control of your Super and to set up a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF)
Simply, safely, & easily
Properly structured a SMSF will cost less to run than you current super.

We can show you how to buy an investment property with your super by using a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF)
This will reduce the contributions tax your super pays.

To buy an investment property with your superannuation you only need enough Super for a 20% to 25% deposit. We can help you get a loan for the rest.

A Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) is a small private super fund that your control and usually has only one or two members.

A Self- Managed Super Fund is a special form of a trust. Its sole purpose is to provide retirement benefits for its members.

Free Comparison & Analysis

The estimated retirement value of your existing superannuation.
(As calculated by ASIC MoneySmart Superannuation Calculator.)

compared with

The estimated retirement value of the same super in a SMSF with an investment property.
(Property investment analysis using Somersoft PIA Software.)

Do you want to compare apples with apples? Do you want to know if a SMSF could be beneficial before you pay for expensive advice?

We can calculate that comparison for you – we have over 30 years experience with investment advice, financial analysis, property investment, and wealth creation.

We can show you the difference between purchasing an investment property within a SMSF and leaving the same amount of money in a normal superannuation fund so you can make an informed choice.

We use standard industry projections and assumptions for an investment property and government (ASIC) projections for superannuation.

We are NOT financial planners and we can NOT give you financial planning advice (but most financial planners can not give advice on tax or loans or trusts or investment property).



We Can give you advice on tax, loans, finance, and investment property.
We can provide you with valuable financial information, so you can make an informed choice.

  • If you feel a SMSF is an option you should consider we can show you how to set up a SMSF without the expensive costs and charges of a Financial Planner.

  • To manage a SMSF with an investment property you need a great accountant and a great property manager – we can introduce you to both.

  • Once you beleive that a SMSF is for you we will find you the best investment property to meet the specific financial circumstances of your SMSF.

* Depending on your age & income you may be able to establish a SMSF & purchase an investment property with a minimum superannuation balance of $130,000 to $150,000.

** Depending on your age, retirement date, & income a SMSF with an investment property may provide a 20% to 80% better outcome at retirement than a retail or industry super fund.

Contact Us

We provide valuable financial information so you can make an informed choice.

Finance Advice, Investment Advice, Wealth Creation, Saving Tax, Mortgage Reduction.

A SMSF needs to meet the sole purpose test to be eligible for the tax concessions normally available to super funds. This means your fund needs to be maintained for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits to your members, or to their dependants if a member dies before retirement.

This information is for general information purposes only. It is not intended as legal, financial or investment advice and should not be construed or relied on as such. Before making any commitment of a legal or financial nature you should seek advice from a qualified and registered legal practitioner or financial or investment adviser. This material should not be construed or relied upon as providing recommendations in relation to any legal or financial product. Phoenix Property Consultants does not recommend or endorse or receive any renumeration from any financial products.


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